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Nipissing Cobalt

Unexplored, early-stage, project that hosts a number of Co-Ag, Au, Cu and Ni occurrences.


Located approximately 10 kilometres (“km”) north of the town of Latchford along Highway 11, and 10 km west of the world-class Cobalt Mining District of Ontario, the Nipissing Cobalt Project covers approximately 5,938 hectares (“ha”) in the southern portion Canada’s prolific Abitibi Greenstone Belt. The Property is an early-stage, exploration project that hosts a number of Co-Ag, Au, Cu and Ni occurrences, but has been relatively unexplored.

The property is underlain by Proterozoic-age sedimentary rocks, Nipissing diabase and inliers of Archean-age greenstone (the same host environment as at the Cobalt District and for greenstone-hosted Au, Cu and Ni deposits in the Abitibi).


The property has excellent infrastructure with roads, rail, power and gas pipelines crossing the property.

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